A Breakdown of SCG's Rebate Guide | Part 2


Southern California Gas Company’s “Energy Efficiency Rebate Guide” for 2024 has launched and has countless opportunities for businesses, public agencies, and other customers to install new equipment with rebates. Check out part two of our breakdown of SCG’s EE Rebate Guide!

1. Steam Traps: Steam traps discharge condensate and non-condensable gases while preventing steam from escaping.

  • Reduced Steam Loss: A malfunctioning or inefficient steam trap can waste significant steam. Agencies can reduce steam loss and save energy by ensuring steam traps are in good working condition.

  • Improved Efficiency: Properly functioning steam traps help maintain optimal heating efficiency in steam systems, reducing the need for additional energy to compensate for lost heat.

2. Recirculating Pump Controls: Recirculating pump controls, VFD’s and automated systems, manage the operation of pumps in heating and cooling systems to maintain desired temperatures efficiently.

  • Optimized Pump Operation: By controlling the pump operation based on demand, agencies can reduce energy consumption during periods of low demand.

  • Reduced Pump Wear: Constantly running pumps can wear out faster. Controlled operation extends the lifespan of pumps, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

3. Pump Time Clock: Pump time clocks control the operation schedule of pumps, allowing them to operate only when necessary.

  • Reduced Off-Hour Operation: With a pump time clock, pumps can be scheduled to operate during peak demand periods only, reducing energy consumption during off-hours.

  • Cost Savings: By reducing energy consumption during off-peak hours, agencies can save on electricity costs.

Additional Energy-Saving Tips

  • Energy Audits: Conduct regular energy audits to identify areas where these technologies can be implemented for maximum energy savings.

  • Training: Train staff on the importance of energy conservation and how to operate and maintain these technologies effectively.

Public agencies can achieve significant energy savings, reduce operating costs, and contribute to sustainability goals by upgrading and maintaining these technologies. Please take a look at what SoCalGas rebates are available for heat recovery products in 2024.

Samantha Dodero